On My Mind…

Be challenged to feel what you say you feel.

When I tell someone that I am satisfied in relying on the Lord for His “timing”, that I am content in my singleness and that I am even happy with where the Lord has me right now, I sit here and think, do I really believe these things?

I am in a point of reflection after having a conversation with such topics. When I soak in my thoughts and feelings towards being single, I become a little sad, my heart becomes heavy.

Is Jesus enough? Am I resting and RELYING on Him for my contentment, for my satisfaction?

It will always be a battle to give all that I have to the Lord, to have faith that He is going to “supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19)?

But I want to. Lord help me to continuously see where You would have me be. I know you are a good, good Father and that Your desire for me is greater than I know or could imagine, and your blessings for me are far more complex than I see. Help me Lord to trust in that. Mold and shape me, challenge me to stick to what I know is True. Soften my heart and my thoughts to become more like Yours.

13 thoughts on “On My Mind…

      1. Right now, we’re headed to a funeral in Pennsylvania, then Thanksgiving with our grandsons and their parents (family joke as my son in law thinks we forget to mention them as we’re all about the boys!), then we’ll bring one back to Myrtle Beach for a week. Then we’ll bring him home and spend December with them. January we’ll be in Florida bear family and friends…then who knows?


  1. Jessica, you are an inspiration to so many people around you – just thinking that I will be seeing your bright, beautiful smile in 2 days gives me so much joy!
    Here’s an additional thought… when you have a slightly heavy heart contemplating singleness, it could very well be because He doesn’t want you to STAY single. Therefore, those feelings can also be a good thing as we live out our lives in Jesus, obeying Him, following Him and being content! Love you WAMH!


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